Despite my political leanings, I can't help but notice the incredible bias in support of the anti-Mubarak protesters filling every facet of the media (yes, this includes radio, Internet, newspapers, AND television)... I admittedly, have the luxury and privilege to view the turmoil from a distance (in a country that affords me countless rights) so I will NOT pretend to 'know' what I do not. However, while the violence certainly seems to be gaining frightening steam and the crowds are steadily appearing to increase in size, I can't help but wonder what the 'non-protesting' 7.75 million residents of Cairo are thinking...
While the emerging sentiment from world leadership and Al Jazeera is that it is time for an overhaul of Egypt's government, it must not be lost that Mubarak has complied with many wishes/demands in a very short time. This man has ruled (whether right or wrong) for 30 years, an immediate change of an unstable system in an unstable region cannot occur with the snap of one's fingers.
Being that I am a member of a generation accustomed to and expectant of immediate gratification, I sympathize with the protesters desires and would most certainly be at the forefront of the Cairo blogosphere if that were my home (I will not, for one second pretend that I would have the cajones to march in the street). However, structuring something new and efficient is not easy (we are still 'perfecting' our Democracy) and I have to assume that many of the millions of people NOT in the square probably have some pragmatic views on this...
It would be difficult for a producer to strike any sort of balance with their coverage of this potentially monumental world event - I would not want to be in those shoes. Cameras can't move far and their current focus is probably where it should be, at the heart of the strife/movement in Tahrir Square. Maletov cocktails are being thrown along with stones amongst two groups of people fighting for their futures. Soon, guns will almost certainly enter the equation.
The situation is likely reminiscent (for American History Teachers and the aging books in their classrooms) of Colonial American society during the revolution. The 'real' fight that these people are engaged in is sure to peak the curiosity of billions throughout the world...
...It is my only hope that we, along with those covering it, remember where WE are and where THE EGYPTIAN PEOPLE are... And, that what we see on television and read in the news only represents an incredibly small portion of the citizens of Cairo and Egypt.
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